differences in different regions中文什么意思

发音:   用"differences in different regions"造句
  • difference:    n. 1.差异,差别。 2.不和,争 ...
  • different:    adj. 1.不同的,不一致的,有差 ...
  • region:    n. 1.地方,地域,地带;地区;行 ...
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  1. The west is very vast in territory and there are big differences in different regions , so we must make some focal points stand out in the development and not to carry on from the whole plane


  1. differences and contradictions 什么意思
  2. differences between means 什么意思
  3. differences clouds 什么意思
  4. differences in color 什么意思
  5. differences in color and size 什么意思
  6. differences in principle 什么意思
  7. differences in protein composition 什么意思
  8. differences in regional price levels 什么意思
  9. differences in underlying risk 什么意思
  10. differences in various regions 什么意思


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